the identity
of our CLIENTS'
products and services.
...service marks & trade names
About Trademark Practice
Trademark Services
A trademark represents a brand name. Consequently, any word or a symbol that identifies a specific product could be trademarked. Words and symbols are not the only things that could be trademarked, in fact, colors and smells are frequently trademarked to protect the identity of various products. However, trademark protection applies only to a pre-specified category of goods and services. Thus, a product named "super hitter" may legally apply to both a golf club, and a home improvement tool, like a hammer. Be that as it may, STEVEN IVY P.C. provides trademark services to clients from various technological areas. Our trademark practice is efficiently managed, designed to provide cost-effective trademark solutions to large, medium and small companies, including individuals inventors and entrepreneurs.
Comprehensive Trademark Practice
We understand the complexities of the trademark law, and its impact on businesses and individuals. In many situations, the trademark represents the most valuable asset that a business possesses. For this reason, our trademark practice includes counseling services about trademark-related matters, its impact on product development, business marketing strategy and relationship to other inventions, whether patentable or not.
Global Representation
Our trademark practice is designed to accommodate both domestic and foreign products. The firm has developed a global network of associates, designed to better protect our clients' intellectual property rights both domestically and abroad.
Service Marks
The firm also helps clients to secure service marks. Service marks, similarly to trademarks, are words or other symbols. Unlike trademarks, they protect the identity of services being offered by a specific entity, not products. Our firm is well versed in service marks procurement, always prepared to deal with all the complexities and pitfalls surrounding the acquisition of the new, or protection of an existing, service marks.
Trade Names
Unlike trademark, that protects symbols under which an entity sells its products, a trade name is a symbol under which an entity does business. The lines of distinction between the two are frequently blurred. However, there are distinct benefits to either one of those intellectual property tools. Our firm possesses an in-depth understanding of trade names applications. We help our clients to obtain trade-name protection, and to fight any infringement attempts.
Certification and Collective Marks
In addition to the traditional trademarks and service marks, our law firm helps clients to obtain certification marks (used to protect identifying symbols of independent groups, commissions and boards that certify quality of various products), and collective marks (utilized to protect symbols identifying authoritative organizations).
Trademark Licensing
Frequently, and for various reasons, both businesses and individuals license their trademarked goods, services or even their trade names. Our firm understands the value of trademarks, and helps clients negotiate appropriate returns on their investments. We guide our clients through the entire process from the early bid offerings, through the vigorous negotiations, to the signing of the well formulated license agreements. Our firm provides a high quality legal services at competitive prices.
Internet, Domain Names and Trademark Applications
The internet is a key component in every product development, especially in related marketing campaigns. Our firm offers clients a full range of legal services designed to protect and to enforce their intellectual property rights. We counsel our clients on acquisition and protection of domain names. Utilizing the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), designed to protect consumers and promote electronic commerce, to deal with parties who register domain names in bad faith.
Trademark Searches and Clearance Opinions
As with patent protection, STEVEN IVY P.C. services clients by conducting trademark searches. A search of competing trademarks is a useful tool, frequently utilized by companies in decision-making process related to both financial and marketing matters. The end product typically includes a formal opinion, designed to alert our clients about possible infringement issues.
Trademark Portfolio Development and Management
The strategic intellectual property portfolio development, and its continuous management, is a meticulously cultivated specialty of STEVEN IVY P.C. The firm develops and maintains portfolios containing both domestic and international intellectual property components. Our portfolio services begin with thorough understanding of our clients business objectives. We provide continuing advice on possible acquisition, or liquidation, of any necessary intellectual property that would help support our clients' long and short-term business goals.